Fallout new vegas developer room
Fallout new vegas developer room

The token merely kicks in a timer that, when appropriate, makes the Legion Explorer's reference cast on itself (CIOS) an AOE, touch based, spell. I place this GameMode code in an item so as not to run the script on the Actor entity. This script runs on an unplayable token in Legion Explorers' inventory. The following developer comment is in the item's script: Despite being a Legion-related item (called LegionExplorerAuraToken internally), it was mistakenly placed in the inventory of Crandon in North Vegas. The GECK says it's a pair of sunglasses, but it can't be equipped or even seen if added to the inventory.

fallout new vegas developer room

  • 8.19 Tom Dooley's Player Stuff Merchant Container.
  • 3.5 Trail Carbine Laminate Stock and Custom Action.
  • 3.4 Service Rifle Bayonet and Reflex Sight.
  • fallout new vegas developer room fallout new vegas developer room

  • 2.7 Heavy Rail Cannon and Light Rail Cannon.

  • Fallout new vegas developer room